growing up i never thought it would end this way, its insane/ im about to blow myself up along with this plane/im not ur average suicide bomber all i want is the fame/i got twenty two dynamite sticks attached to my chest/ they're all tucked away between my heart and this vest/all the people in the BUILDING will soon be sent to my god/in a moment der will be nuttin left but rubbel and mud/im gonna be the cause of a horrible disaster, something similar to a tsunami flood/right now my heart beading faster, than what it normaly should/ but right now i wouldnt change anything even if i could/i learned to have no emotion, no remorse, no sorrow/if i act now everyone will know my name by the end of tomorrow/besides, if i give up ill just end up waiting for my turn on deathrow/but theres no time for thoughts of doubt in my head/once i press this button everybodys dead/ im constantly realizing the aproach of my homestead/ no time to doze of my mission must resume/this is the end.....good bye....BOOOM